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  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  2. 1  And there came one of the seven    Jeremiah 51:13 O thou that dwell-                                               "Judgment of the great whore that                                               /
  3. angels which had the seven vials,        est upon many waters, abundant                                                sitteth upon many waters"                                                      /
  4. and talked with me, saying unto me,      in treasures, thine end is                                                      Out of the original Babylon came                                             /
  5. Come hither; I will show unto thee       come, and the measure of thy                                                   a false religious system that was                                             /
  6. the judgment of the great whore          covetousness.                                                                  opposed in most ways to the true                                              /
  7. that sitteth upon many waters.        Jeremiah 51:7 Babylon hath been a       Colossians 3:5-6 ...fornication,          way of Jehovah.  This religious                                               /
  8. 2  With whom the kings of the earth      golden cup in the Lord's hand,          uncleanness, inordinate affect-        system which was begun by Semir-                                              /
  9. have committed fornication, and the      that made all the earth                 ion, evil concupiscence, and           amis the wife of Nimrod did not                                               /
  10. inhabitants of the earth have been       drunken: the nations have               covetousness, which is idolatry:       die when the ancient city of                                                  /
  11. made drunk with the wine of her          drunken of her wine: therefore           For which things' sake the            Babylon was conquered by the                                                  /
  12. fornication.                             the nations are mad.                    wrath of God cometh on the             Persians.  It moved its headquar-                                             /
  13. 3  So he carried me away in the       Daniel 7:7 After this I saw in the         children of disobedience:              ters to Pergamos and then later                                               /
  14. spirit into the wilderness: and I        night visions, and behold a                                                    on to Rome.  It is seen as the                                                /
  15. saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-          fourth beast, dreadful and                                                     mother of all false religions                                                 /
  16. coloured beast, full of names of         terrible, and strong exceed-                                                   since historians can see remnants                                             /
  17. blasphemy, having seven heads and        ingly; and it had great iron                                                   of this religion in most ancient                                              /
  18. ten horns.                               teeth: it devoured and brake                                                   religions.  And coming even closer                                            /
  19. 4  And the woman was arrayed in          in pieces, and stamped the           Luke 16:15 ...Ye are they which           to home, practices such as yule logs,                                         /
  20. purple and scarlet colour, and           residue with the feet of it:            justify yourselves before men;         mistletoe, decorated eggs and many                                            /
  21. decked with gold and precious            and it was diverse from all the         but God knoweth your hearts: for       other practices were part of this                                             /
  22. stones and pearls, having a golden       beasts that were before it; and         that which is highly esteemed          early religious system.  Many of                                              /
  23. cup in her hand full of abomina-         it had ten horns.                       among men is abomination in the        these customs remain in practice                                              /
  24. tions and filthiness of her forni-    Ezekiel 23:17 And the Babylonians          sight of God.                          today and have been adopted into                                              /
  25. cation:                                  came to her into the bed of          James 1:21 Wherefore lay apart all        portions of the Christian practices.                                          /
  26. 5  And upon her forehead was a name      love, and they defiled her with         filthiness and superfluity of          This religion dealt in mysterious                                             /
  27. written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE            their whoredom, and she was             naughtiness,...                        practices such as astronomy, altered                                          /
  28. GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND         polluted with them, and her          II Corinthians 7:1 ...let us cleanse      consciousness through drugs, idol                                             /
  29. ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.               mind was alienated from them.           ourselves from all filthiness of       worship, human sacrifice, and rites                                           /
  30. 6  And I saw the woman drunken with   Ezekiel 16:35-36  Wherefore,O              the flesh and spirit, perfecting       involving temple prostitutes. The                                             /
  31. the blood of the saints, and with        harlot, hear the word of the            holiness in the fear of God.           names changed down through time as                                            /
  32. the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.       Lord:                                II Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery      this system moved through history                                             /
  33. And then I saw her, I wondered            Thus saith the Lord God;               of iniquity doth already work:         until its existence in many modern                                            /
  34. with great admiration.                   Because thy filthiness was                                                     day religions.  Naturally it often                                            /
  35. 7  And the angel said unto me,           poured out, and thy nakedness                                                  violently opposed the Jewish and                                              /
  36. Wherefore didst thou marvel? I           discovered through thy whore-                                                  Christian religions and persecuted                                            /
  37. will tell thee the mystery of the        doms with thy lovers, and with                                                 and martyred the followers.  When                                             /
  38. woman, and of the beast that carr-       all the idols of thy abominat-                                                 John the Apostle was shown the                                                /
  39. ieth her, which hath the seven           ions, and by the blood of thy                                                  magnificence and almost universal                                             /
  40. heads and ten horns.                     children, which thou didst give                                                power of this system he was filled                                            /
  41.                                          unto them;                                                                     with surprise.  This religious system                                         /
  42. 8  The beast that thou sawest was      Exodus 32:33 And the Lord said                                                   has controlled many kings and gover-                                          /
  43. and is not; and shall ascend out         unto Moses, Whosoever hath                                                     nments down through history and in                                            /
  44. of the bottomless pit, and go into       sinned against me, him will I                                                  the vision of the end times that John                                         /
  45. perdition: and they that dwell on        blot out of my book.                                                           was shown it controlled many world                                            /
  46. the earth shall wonder, whose names   Daniel 7:19-25 Then I would know                                                  rulers and many peoples.  In the end                                          /
  47. were not written in the book of          the truth of the fourth beast,                                                 times it will be part of the system                                           /
  48. life from the foundation of the          which was diverse from all the                                                 of the great deception of the anti-                                           /
  49. world, when they behold the beast        others, exceedingly dreadful,                                                  christ ( the beast ) and the false                                            /
  50. that was, and is not, and yet is.        whose teeth were of iron, and                                                  prophet. It will reign supreme over                                           /
  51. 9  And here is the mind which hath       his nails of brass; which                                                      the religions of the world until                                              /
  52. wisdom. The seven heads are seven        devoured, brake in pieces, and                                                 the beast is finished with it and                                             /
  53. mountains, on which the woman            stamped the residue with his                                                   it will be destroyed by the ten                                               /
  54. sitteth.                                 feet;                                                                          king federation, but we note that                                             /
  55. 10 And there are seven kings: five        And of the ten horns that were                                                its destruction is to fulfil the                                              /
  56. are fallen, and one is, and the          in his head, and of the other                                                  will of the Lord, He is still in                                              /
  57. other is not yet come; and when he       which came up, and before whom                                                 control.                                                                      /
  58. cometh, he must continue a short         three fell; even of that horn                                                   The two great women of the Revel-                                            /
  59. space.                                   that had eyes, and a mouth                                                     ation can be compared as follows.                                             /
  60. 11 And the beast that was, and is        that spake very great things,        II Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose                                                                                    /
  61. not, even he is the eighth, and is       whose look was more stout than          coming is after the working of               ISRAEL          BABYLON                                                 /
  62. of the seven, and goeth into             his fellows.                            Satan with all power and signs and   Clothing:                                                                       /
  63. perdition.                                I beheld, and the same horn            lying wonders,                         with the sun and   purple and scarlet                                         /
  64. 12 And the ten horns which thou          made war with the saints, and                                                  the moon at her    and decked with                                            /
  65. sawest are ten kings, which have         prevailed against them;                                                        feet and a crown   gold and jewels,                                           /
  66. received no kingdom as yet; but           Until the Ancient of days                                                     of 12 stars        on her forehead a                                          /
  67. receive power as kings one hour          came, and judgment was given                                                                      name of mystery                                            /
  68. with the beast.                          to the saints of the Most High;                                                                                                                              /
  69. 13 These have one mind, and shall        and the time came that the                                                   Condition:                                                                      /
  70. give their power and strength unto       saints possessed the kingdom.                                                  travailing in      drunken on the                                             /
  71. the beast.                                Thus he said, The fourth beast                                                birth              blood of martyrs                                           /
  72. 14 These shall make war with the         shall be the fourth kingdom          II Thessalonians 2:8 And then shall                                                                                     /
  73. Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome        upon earth, which shall be              that Wicked be revealed, whom the    Offspring:                                                                      /
  74. them: for he is Lord of lords, and       diverse from all kingdoms,              Lord shall consume with the spirit      a Man Child to     mother of harlots                                         /
  75. King of kings: and they that are         and shall devour the whole              of his mouth, and shall destroy         rule all nations   and abominations                                          /
  76. with him are called, and chosen,         earth, and shall tread it down,         with the brightness of his coming:      and other seed                                                               /
  77. and faithful.                            and break it in pieces.              Romans 3:15-18 Their feet are swift                                                                                     /
  78. 15 And he saith unto me, The              And the ten horns out of this          to shed blood:                       Travel                                                                          /
  79. waters which thou sawest, where the      kingdom are ten kings that               Destruction and misery are in         fled to a wilder-  rode on a scarlet-                                         /
  80. whore sitteth, are peoples, and          shall arise: and another shall          their ways:                            ness on wings of   coloured beast of                                          /
  81. multitudes, and nations, and             rise after them: and he shall            And the way of peace have they        an eagle to a      kings and rulers                                           /
  82. tongues.                                 be diverse from the first, and          not known:                             place prepared by                                                             /
  83. 16 And the ten horns which thou          he shall subdue three kings.             There is no fear of God before        God                                                                           /
  84. sawest upon the beast, these shall        And he shall speak great               their eyes.                                                                                                          /
  85. hate the whore, and shall make her       words against the Most High,                                                 Friends                                                                         /
  86. desolate and naked, and shall eat        and shall wear out the saints                                                  helped by the      the beast of kings                                         /
  87. her flesh, and burn her with fire.       of the Most High, and think to                                                 earth and nour-    and rulers                                                 /
  88. 17 For God hath put in their             change times and laws: and           II Thessalonians 2:11-12 And for this     ished by God                                                                  /
  89. hearts to fulfil his will, and to        they shall be given into his            cause God shall send them strong                                                                                     /
  90. agree, and give their kingdom unto       hand until a time and times             delusion, that they should believe   Enemies:                                                                        /
  91. the beast, until the words of God        and the dividing of time.               a lie:                                 persecuted by the  destroyed by the                                           /
  92. shall be fulfilled.                   Ezekiel 16:37 Behold, therefore I           That they might be damned who         dragon who made    ten kings who came                                         /
  93. 18 And the woman which thou sawest       will gather all thy lovers,             believe not the truth, but had         war on her seed    to hate her                                                /
  94. is that great city, which reigneth       with whom thou hast taken               pleasure in unrighteousness.           that had the       according to the                                           /
  95. over the kings of the earth.             pleasure, and all them that                                                    testimony of       will of God                                                /
  96.                                          thou hast loved, with all them                                                 Jesus Christ                                                                  /
  97.                                          that thou hast hated; I will                                                                                                                                 /
  98.                                          even gather them around about                                                                                                                                /
  99.                                          against thee, and will discover                                                                                                                              /
  100.                                          thy nakedness unto them, that                                                                                                                                /
  101.                                          they may see all thy nakedness.                                                                                                                              /
  102.                                           And I will judge thee,....                                                                                                                                  /
  103.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  104.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  105. 1  And after these things I saw       Jeremiah 51:8 Babylon is suddenly                                               "Babylon the Great"                                                             /
  106. another angel come down from             fallen and destroyed: howl for                                                  To the people of the world Babylon                                           /
  107. heaven, having great power; and          her; take balm for her pain,                                                   is a great and wonderful thing.  It                                           /
  108. the earth lightened with his glory.      if so be she may be healed.          II Corinthians 6:17-18 And what           existed once, then ceased to exist                                            /
  109. 2  And he cried mightily with a       Jeremiah 51:25 Behold, I am against        agreement hath the temple of           and then came back greater then                                               /
  110. strong voice, saying, Babylon the        thee, O destroying mountain,            God with idols? for ye are             ever.  Its power and great wealth                                             /
  111. great is fallen, is fallen, and is       saith the Lord, which destroyest        the temple of the living God;          provides all that worshipers of                                               /
  112. become the habitation of devils,         all the earth: and I will stretch       as God hath said, I will dwell         things of the world could want.                                               /
  113. and the hold of every foul spirit,       out mine hand upon thee, and roll       in them, and walk in them; and         It provided all the earthly things                                            /
  114. and a cage of every unclean and          thee down from the rocks, and           I will be their God, and they          that they desired and all the                                                 /
  115. hateful bird.                            will make thee a burnt mountain.        shall be my people.                    pleasures that can be provided.                                               /
  116. 3  For all nations have drunk of      Jeremiah 25:27 Therefore thou               Wherefore come out from among         Great will be the sorrow of the                                               /
  117. the wine of the wrath of her forn-       shalt say unto them, Thus saith         them, and be ye separate saith         world when they see the final                                                 /
  118. ication, and the kings of the            the Lord of Hosts, the God of           the Lord, and touch not the un-        destruction of all that they                                                  /
  119. earth have committed fornication         Israel; Drink ye, and be                clean thing: ...                       worship.  Like the world loves                                                /
  120. with her, and the merchants of the       drunken, and spew, and fall,         Luke 12:21 So is he that layeth up        the present cities of pleasure                                                /
  121. earth are waxed rich through the         and rise no more, because of            treasure for himself, and is not       like Las Vegas or San Francisco                                               /
  122. abundance of her delicacies.             the sword which I will send             rich toward God.                       the world will truly love the great                                           /
  123.                                          among you.                           II Timothy 3:1-9 This know also, that     city of Babylon and all its pleas-                                            /
  124. 4  And I heard another voice from     Jeremiah 50:8 Remove out of the            in the last days perilous times        ures.  To them it will represent                                              /
  125. heaven, saying, Come out of her,         midst of Babylon, and go forth          shall come.                            the best and finest that the world                                            /
  126. my people, that ye be not par-           out of the land of the                   For men shall be lovers of their      has to offer.                                                                 /
  127. takers of her sins, and that ye          Chaldeans, and be as the he             own selves, covetous, boasters,         But where is Babylon?  Does it                                               /
  128. receive not of her plagues.              goats before the flocks.                proud, blasphemers, disobedient to     exist today?  Is it symbolic or                                               /
  129. 5  For her sins have reached unto     Psalms 137 8-9 O daughter of               parents, unthankful, unholy,           will it be an existing actual city                                            /
  130. heaven, and God hath remembered          Babylon, who art to be                   Without natural affection, truce-     in the last days?  Scholars have                                              /
  131. her iniquities.                          destroyed; happy shall he be,           breakers, false accusers, inconti-     long debated this issue!  Ancient                                             /
  132. 6  Reward her even as she rewarded       that rewardeth thee as thou             nent, fierce, despisers of those       Babylon on the river Euphrates is                                             /
  133. you, and double unto her double          hast served us.                         that are good,                         no longer a factor.  In the times                                             /
  134. according to her works: in the cup        Happy shall he be, that taketh          Traitors, heady, high-minded,         of John the Apostle Rome was the                                              /
  135. which she hath filled, fill to her       and dasheth thy little ones             lovers of pleasures more than          ruling city of the spirit of the                                              /
  136. double.                                  against the stones.                     lovers of God;                         antichrist and was considered by                                              /
  137. 7  How much she hath glorified her-   Isaiah 47:9-11 But these two                Having a form of godliness, but       many to be Babylon.  Since Rome                                               /
  138. self, and live deliciously, so much      things shall come to thee in a          denying the power thereof: from        was know as a city built upon 7                                               /
  139. torment and sorrow give her: for         moment in one day, the loss of          such turn away.                        hills and it was the sight of much                                            /
  140. she saith in her heart, I sit a          children, and widowhood: they            For of this sort are they which       martyrdom it certainly filled                                                 /
  141. queen, and am no widow, and shall        shall come upon thee in their           creep into houses, and lead capt-      the bill as the type of Babylon.                                              /
  142. see no sorrow.                           perfection for the multitude            ive silly women laden with sins,       Many felt that the name Babylon                                               /
  143. 8  Therefore shall her plagues come      of thy sorceries, and for the           led away with divers lusts,            was used as a code name for Rome                                              /
  144. in one day, death, and mourning,         great abundance of thine ench-           Ever learning, and never able         for purposes of secrecy.  Many                                                /
  145. and famine; and she shall be             antments.                               to come to knowledge of the truth.     see the fulfillment of the                                                    /
  146. utterly burned with fire: for             For thou hast trusted in thy            Now as Jannes and Jambres with-       prophecy in that Rome gradually                                               /
  147. strong is the Lord God who judgeth       wickedness: thou hast said,             stood Moses, so do these also          fell to outside forces but the                                                /
  148. her.                                     None seeth me. Thy wisdom and           resist the truth: men of corrupt       religious system of Rome lived                                                /
  149.                                          thy knowledge it hath perver-           minds, reprobate concerning the        on for many centuries and was                                                 /
  150.                                          ted thee; and thou hast said in         faith.                                 more powerful than most kingdoms.                                             /
  151.                                          thine heart, I am and none else          But they shall proceed no further:    This religious system also event-                                             /
  152.                                          besides me.                             for their folly shall be manifest      ually fell and has now almost                                                 /
  153.                                           Therefore shall evil come upon         unto all men, as theirs also was.      for most practical purposes rev-                                              /
  154.                                          thee; ...                                                                      ived to its former powerful self.                                             /
  155. 9  And the kings of the earth, who    Ezekiel 26:16-17 Then all the                                                     But today there is much of the                                                /
  156. have committed fornication and           princes of the sea shall come                                                  world that is not under its                                                   /
  157. lived deliciously with her, shall        down from their thrones, and                                                   control.  Can it gain control of                                              /
  158. bewail her, and lament for her,          lay away their robes, and put                                                  the rest of the world to the point                                            /
  159. when they shall see the smoke of         off their broidered garments:                                                  that it will again control the                                                /
  160. her burning,                             they shall clothe themselves                                                   commerce?  We must watch and see!                                             /
  161. 10 Standing afar off for the fear        with trembling; they shall                                                     Or will the actual city of Babylon                                            /
  162. of her torment, saying, Alas, alas,      sit upon the ground, and shall                                                 again be rebuilt and return to its                                            /
  163. that great city Babylon, that            tremble at every moment, and be                                                former glory in the last days?                                                /
  164. mighty city! for in one hour is          astonished at thee.                                                            Many propose that this will happen.                                           /
  165. thy judgment come.                        And they shall take up a                                                      The descriptions are so vivid and                                             /
  166.                                          lamentation for thee, ...                                                      detailed that it is difficult to                                              /
  167. 11 And the merchants of the earth     Jeremiah 50:46 At the noise of          James 5:1-5 Go to now, ye rich men,       reach any other conclusion but that                                           /
  168. shall weep and mourn over her; for       the taking of Babylon the               weep and howl for your miseries        it will be an actual city and an                                              /
  169. no man buyeth their merchandise          earth is moved, and the cry             that shall come upon you.              actual ruling government and relig-                                           /
  170. any more:                                is heard among the nations.              Your riches are corrupted, and        ious system.                                                                  /
  171. 12 The merchandise of gold, and       Jeremiah 50:26 Come against her            your garments are motheaten.                                                                                         /
  172. silver, and precious stones, and         from the utmost border, open             Your gold and silver is canker-     "Come out of her, my people"                                                    /
  173. of pearls, and fine linen, and           her storehouses: cast her up            ed; and the rust of them shall be       In the mean time while we wait for                                           /
  174. purple, and silk, and scarlet, and       as heaps, and destroy her               a witness against you, and shall       more evidences that Babylon is in                                             /
  175. all thyine wood, and all manner          utterly: let nothing of her             eat your flesh as it were fire.        control of the world, we have                                                 /
  176. vessels of ivory, and all manner         be left.                                Ye have reaped treasure together       many warnings of the type of                                                  /
  177. vessels of most precious wood, and    Isaiah 46:6-7  They lavish gold            for the last days.                     behavior that will be evidence of                                             /
  178. of brass, and iron, and marble,          out of the bag, and weigh                Behold, the hire of the labourers     the spirit of Babylon.  These signs                                           /
  179. 13 And cinnamon, and odours, and         silver in the balance, and              who have reaped down your fields,      are evident in the world at all                                               /
  180. ointments, and frankincense, and         hire a goldsmith, and he                which is of you kept by fraud,         times and are to be used by the                                               /
  181. wine, and oil, and fine flour, and       maketh it a god: they fall              crieth: and the cries of them          believers to insure that they do                                              /
  182. wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and        down, yea, they worship.                which have reaped are entered into     not fall into the snares of the                                               /
  183. horses, and chariots, and slaves,         They bear him upon the                 the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.       false prophets.  We may not see                                               /
  184. and souls of men.                        shoulder, they carry him, and            Ye have lived in pleasure on the      the great city Babylon in our                                                 /
  185. 14 And the fruits that thy soul          set him in his place, and he            earth, and seen wanton; ye have        life time but still we must watch                                             /
  186. lusted after are departed from           standeth; from his place shall          nourished your hearts, as in a         and be alert for the type of Baby-                                            /
  187. thee, and all things which were          he not remove: yea, one shall           day of slaughter.                      lon in the world today.  To fall                                              /
  188. dainty and goodly are departed           cry unto him, yet can he not         Matthew 6:19-21 Lay up not for            into practices of the lovers of                                               /
  189. from thee, and thou shalt find           answer, nor save him out of             yourselves treasures upon earth,       Babylon is to dilute the power                                                /
  190. them no more at all.                     his trouble.                            where moth and rust doth corrupt,      and faith of the true church and                                              /
  191. 15 The merchants of these things,                                                and where thieves break through        decrease its ability to witness                                               /
  192. which were made rich by her, shall                                               and steal:                             to the world.  A job that the                                                 /
  193. stand afar off for the fear of her                                                But lay up for yourselves             deceiver has been very successful                                             /
  194. torment, weeping and wailing,                                                    treasures in heaven, where moth        in accomplishing down through                                                 /
  195. 16 And saying, Alas, alas, that                                                  not rust doth corrupt, and where       history.                                                                      /
  196. great city, that was clothed in                                                  thieves do not break through not                                                                                     /
  197. fine linen, and purple, and                                                      steal:                               "by thy sorceries were all nations                                              /
  198. scarlet, and decked with gold, and                                                For where your treasure is,          deceived"                                                                      /
  199. precious stones, and pearls!                                                     there will your heart be also.          In this so called age of science                                             /
  200. 17 For in one hour so great riches                                                                                      and enlightenment it is amazing how                                           /
  201. is come to nought. And every ship-                                                                                      powerful the teachings of astrology                                           /
  202. master, and all the company in                                                                                          and sorcery has become.  It is                                                /
  203. ships, and sailors, and as many                                                                                         almost like we are primed to reenter                                          /
  204. as trade by sea, stood afar off,                                                                                        the middle ages with so many belie-                                           /
  205. 18 And cried when they saw the                                                                                          ving in witches and goblins.  With                                            /
  206. smoke of her burning, saying, What                                                                                      the great increase of knowledge as                                            /
  207. city is like unto this great city!                                                                                      prophesied for the last times it                                              /
  208. 19 And they cast dust on their                                                                                          seems that more and more people are                                           /
  209. heads, and cried, weeping and                                                                                           searching for satisfaction in the                                             /
  210. wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that     Jeremiah 50:15 Shout against her                                                  forces of evil and deception.  The                                            /
  211. great city, wherein were made rich       round about: she hath given                                                    news media is more and more filled                                            /
  212. all that had ships in the sea by         her hand: her foundations are                                                  with evidences that the world is                                              /
  213. reason of her costliness! for in         fallen, her walls are thrown                                                   trying to return to the practices                                             /
  214. one hour is she made desolate.           down: for it is the vengeance                                                  that are evidences of the spirit of                                           /
  215. 20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven,        of the Lord: take vengeance          Luke 11:49-50 Therefore also said         Babylon.  More and more there are                                             /
  216. and ye holy apostles and prophets;       upon her; as she hath done,             the wisdom of God, I will send         teachings that man can become as                                              /
  217. for God hath avenged you on her.         so do unto her.                         them prophets and apostles, and        a god and is in complete control                                              /
  218. 21 And a mighty angel took up a       Jeremiah 51:63-64 ...when thou             some of them they shall slay and       of all that he surveys and the                                                /
  219. stone like a great millstone, and        hast made an end of reading             persecute:                             concept of the one true God is                                                /
  220. cast it into the sea, saying, Thus       this book, that thou shalt               That the blood of all the proph-      belittled. II Peter 2:2 "And many                                             /
  221. with violence shall that great city      bind a stone to it, and cast            ets, which was shed from the foun-     will follow their pernicious ways:                                            /
  222. Babylon be thrown down, and shall        it into the midst of                    dation of the world, may be req-       by reasons of whom the way of truth                                           /
  223. be found no more at all.                 Euphrates:                              uired of this generation;              shall be evil spoken of."                                                     /
  224. 22 And the voice of harpers, and          And thou shalt say, Thus                                                                                                                                    /
  225. musicians, and of pipers, and            shall Babylon sink, and shall                                               "Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye                                           /
  226. trumpeters, shall be heard no more       not rise from the evil that I                                                holy apostles and prophets"                                                     /
  227. at all in thee; and no craftsman,        will bring upon her:...                                                         Fortunately there are many prophets                                          /
  228. of whatsoever craft he be, shall be   Isaiah 47:12-14 Stand now with                                                    of old and of today that have and                                             /
  229. found any more in thee; and the          thine enchantments, and with                                                   will recognize the false teachings                                            /
  230. sound of a millstone shall be heard      the multitude of thy sorceries,                                                and will preach against them.                                                 /
  231. no more at all in thee;                  wherein thou hast laboured                                                     Fortunately there will always be                                              /
  232. 23 And the light of a candle shall       from thy youth; if so be thou                                                  that remnant that will try to lead                                            /
  233. shine no more at all in thee; and        shalt be able to profit, if so                                                 away from the teaching of the                                                 /
  234. the voice of the bridegroom and of       be thou mayest prevail.                                                        antichrist and will be among those                                            /
  235. the bride shall be heard no more          Thou art wearied in the multi-                                                who will be able to rejoice in                                                /
  236. at all in thee: for thy merchants        tude of thy counsels, Let now                                                  heaven over the final victory over                                            /
  237. were the great men of the earth;         the astrologers, the stargazers,                                               Babylon.  As long as the Holy Spirit                                          /
  238. for by thy sorceries were all            the monthly prognosticators,                                                   is working on earth the truth will                                            /
  239. nations deceived.                        stand up, and save thee from                                                   be available for those who earnstly                                           /
  240. 24 And in her was found the blood        these things that shall come         James 5:6 Ye have condemned and           search for it.                                                                /
  241. of prophets, and of saints, and of       upon thee.                              killed the just; and he doth not                                                                                     /
  242. all that were slain upon the earth.       Behold, they shall be a                resist you.                                                                                                          /
  243.                                          stubble; the fire shall burn                                                                                                                                 /
  244.                                          them; ...                                                                                                                                                    /
  245.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  246.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  247.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  248.   Matters of Contention:  Many scholars have long identified the "Mother of            Might we not also apply the same scenario to the great city                                                    /
  249.        Harlots" to be the Roman Catholic church and the great city Babylon        Babylon.  Rome may have fit the description in the times of the                                                     /
  250.        to be Rome.  As we have mentioned earlier, there is no doubt that at       vision but it seems to fall far short today.  Of course we must                                                     /
  251.        various times in history that both have been possessed of the spirits      not forget that we are talking of a restored kingdom that probably                                                  /
  252.        of each of these identities.  But is it a foregone conclusion that         is not in existence today.  Rome does not fit various other portions                                                /
  253.        this is the identity in the end times?  We are not so sure!  The           of the description and neither does the location of the ancient                                                     /
  254.        Roman Catholic church as it exists today has its faults, that is for       city of Babylon!  The description requires a great city that                                                        /
  255.        certain.  But would we call it the "Mother of Harlots" as it exists        controls the commerce of the entire world on land and sea.                                                          /
  256.        today?  We are not so sure, since mountains are symbolic of                Therefore it is entirely possibly that the seat of the antichrist                                                   /
  257.        governments, has the Roman Catholic church been over seven world           will be located at an entirely different location from the sites                                                    /
  258.        controlling governments?  We think not!  We understand that the            of Rome and ancient Babylon.  The spirits are the same, but the                                                     /
  259.        governments that were intended consisted of Rome in the time of the        location and name at the time may be different!                                                                     /
  260.        vision which was the sixth government for five had already fallen.                                                                                                                             /
  261.        The seventh and eighth are were yet to come.  Since the Roman                                                                                                                                  /
  262.        Catholic church came into being as the ancient Roman Empire was                                                                                                                                /
  263.        declining it would not fully fit the vision.  Instead it would seem                                                                                                                            /
  264.        that a longer lasting religious system that has moved many times and                                                                                                                           /
  265.        also changed its names many times is intended.  It seems quite                                                                                                                                 /
  266.        possible that the name and the location may also be changed in the                                                                                                                             /
  267.        end times.                                                                                                                                                                                     /
  268.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  269.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  270.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
  271.                                                                                                                                                                                                       /
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